to carmen d, jenn c, ryan b, the hope of our people. for sneaking in food and drinks on the 4th floor of hamilton library and sharing with me laughs, over drinks and food. Agyamanak.
Hiding, Hunger, and Hamilton
On the fourth floor of Asia the coldness
of colonialism has gotten into our stomachs
and corrupted our culture and
made rough the road to freedom.
Come hide with me
In Molokai where voices are not silenced
and the cries of our people are made loud
where whispers are carried by the winds
to tell each other of our longings.
Come hide with me
hide our drinks that are soft in
the news of our papers
roll it up and conceal it so we
can feed the hunger of our ancestors.
Come hide with me
In Anaheim, where we cavort with the angels
who know the meaning of what it is
to fly away from the sea of troubles.
Come hide with me
and hunger in Hamilton
so we sneak the food from the paradise of our palms
where we read each other’s destiny
to write the abstract of our dreams
that will free our people of their empty stomachs,
so they can turn the tears into joys
that dried up before falling to the earth.
Come hide with me
In the Bay Area where there are no roaches
to scare away that ghosts that haunt us
in the dreams of our childhood.
Come hide with me
and you will see my waves
of freedom that weaves
in the straightness of tomorrow
that will shave the layers of
despair and desolation.
Hide with me so we can escape
together with the gods and goddesses
that bring with them spirits that ease
our wary bodies and feed our hungry souls.
Will you come and hide with me?
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